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Simplifeye Payments
Simplifeye Smile POS Device
Failed transactions on your Simplifeye Smile device: Potential Causes
Failed transactions on your Simplifeye Smile device: Potential Causes
Vibhu avatar
Written by Vibhu
Updated over a week ago

A transaction may fail in certain scenarios. The most frequent scenarios are highlighted below:

For Credit/Debit Card Payments:

  • Connection Errors: This may happen on occasion due to a sudden loss in internet connection. The Smile device will notify the patient that a connection error has occurred, and the Simplifeye web application will prompt you to either return to Dashboard or re-attempt the transaction.

  • Card Declined: This may occur when the card used by the patient has insufficient funds, has been flagged for fraudulent usage or has been cancelled. When this occurs, the patient will be able to either re-attempt using their card, or use a different card, with no action required to be taken by you.

  • Card Could not be Read: This may occur due to an improper card swipe, because the patient removed their card from the Smile too quickly, or due to a hardware communication issue. When this occurs, the patient will be able to either re-attempt using their card, or, if they continue to experience this issue, use a different card. No action is required to be taken by you.

  • Transaction Timed Out: This will happen if the patient takes longer than 5 minutes to complete the transaction successfully. When this occurs, the Simplifeye web application will prompt you to either return to Dashboard or re-attempt the transaction.

  • Transaction Declined: This may occur because the transaction was declined by the card's issuing bank or because of an issue in transferring the funds correctly. If this occurs, the Simplifeye web application will prompt you to either return to Dashboard or re-attempt the transaction.

For ACH Payments:

  • No Available Account: This may occur if the patient attempts to log into a bank where they do not have a checking account. Only checking accounts may be used for Payment Plans. When this occurs, the patient may tap the back button on the Smile in order to either re-attempt the transaction with a different bank or cancel the transaction (from the lower-left corner of the display). Once cancelled, the Simplifeye web application will prompt you to either return to Dashboard or re-attempt the transaction

  • Bank Account Could not be Verified: This may occur if the patient either cancels out of the ACH flow manually or if our system is unable to communicate with the bank. When this occurs, the patient can either re-attempt to log into their bank, log into a different bank, or cancel the transaction (from the lower-left corner of the display). Once cancelled, the Simplifeye web application will prompt you to either return to Dashboard or re-attempt the transaction

  • Insufficient Funds: This occurs when the patient attempts to use a bank account which holds less funds than required to be paid towards the down payment. When this occurs, the Simplifeye web application will prompt you to either return to Dashboard or re-attempt the transaction

Please Note that when re-attempting a transaction, you have the ability to click the ‘Back’ button on the Simplifeye Dashboard and change the mode of payment, if the patient so chooses.

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